We promote the exchange of good practices with our contractors and suppliers, because we are convinced that sustainability should extend across the supply chain.

Standards for suppliers

All our tender and award processes are conducted in agreement with high environmental, workplace and occupational safety standards. These guidelines are contained in the Special Regulation for Contractor and Subcontractor Companies (REECS) and the Code of Ethics and Conduct.

In addition, the accident rate of our contractors is part of the objectives that bear upon the Company’s performance assessment.

Finally, the Company reviews 100% compliance by suppliers and contractors with the requirements set forth in the Environmental Qualification Resolution (RCA) of our projects. If faults are detected, Colbún communicates directly with the contractors, requiring explanations and resolution. The serious or repetitive faults can lead to the early termination of the contract or service.

It should be noted that the company, in its quest to work with suppliers with high standards in terms of sustainability, avoids, for example, working with companies that have business addresses in tax havens.


Compliance Hotline

It allows posting any direct and anonymous complaint relating to ethics conduct standards applicable in Colbún and the like. We guarantee an independent, confidential treatment of the information and no retaliation measures against the informant(s).
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