Conservation agreement
Perpetual and irrevocable agreement to protect a 430-hectare lot adjacent to the Alerce Andino National Park (Andean Larch).
Energy Solutions
Jointly with our customers, we design projects that point at mitigating the climate change, i.e. electromobility infrastructure, distributed generation or energy storage.
Renewable Energy Certificates
It allows our customers to verify and ensure that their supply comes from renewable sources: solar, wind and hydroelectric power.
Footprint Measurement
We developed a digital tool that allows every individual to measure and compare their carbon footprint, increasing their awareness of climate change. Measure your carbon footprint here.
Carbon Neutral Routes
Jointly with local stakeholders and union associations, Colbún has compensated for the greenhouse gas emissions from 101 lodging facilities, restaurants, stores and museums of Lastarria-Bellas Artes, Isla de Pascua, Puerto Varas and Valdivia, under the CO2 neutral Routes concept.