Origin: Colbún’s Entrepreneurship Center (CEC, per its acronym in Spanish) was established in 2012 to support entrepreneurs within the framework of Colbún’s community relations program in the Biobío Region.
Location: CEC is seated in Coronel and Santa Bárbara, articulating projects in these districts and in the municipalities of Quilaco, Antuco, Quilleco and Cabrero.
Purpose: We work with thousands of entrepreneurs through pre-incubation programs, the generation of business ideas, the application to public and private funds, workshops, training, dissemination and marketing initiatives, among others.
Energies for
the future
This program is focused on incorporating entrepreneurship and innovation concepts among high school students through training activities and project development initiatives.
your ideas
This program is addressed to entrepreneurs in their initial stage, whether these be ideas or start-ups that are testing their Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
your energy
Oriented to entrepreneurs with an established business who need to increase their sales, strengthen their business models, design new products or optimize their costs, etc.
your energy
Program aimed at boosting innovation and/or growth among small and medium size companies (Pymes), to help them identify opportunities, strengthen competitive positions or develop new products.